1. Put together three less-than-enthusiastic-about-a-three-night-workshop teachers together.
2. Allow said teachers to arrive at pre-arranged hotel at 11ish at night.
3. Allow 2 of said teachers to discover wads of hair in beds, mildew on shower curtain, and smell of urine in room.
4. Let front desk close at 11:00 p.m. giving teachers no way to escape. (Let teachers remedy hotel situation by finding different hotel for nights 2 and 3--THANK YOU!)
5. Let it rain--no, drizzle--for two days straight accompanied by mid-70's in JULY.
6. Let all facilities in Searcy then have thermostats set at 60F leading to....
7. one teacher visiting the ER with a middle ear infection on night 3.
8. Let one teacher find a fingernail in her catered dessert.
9. and finally, though I'm sure I've blocked out many other more traumatizing events from the experience, let the workshop format be completely organized lecture-style allowing said teachers to sit from 8-3:30 each day in an auditorium seat with NO FOOD OR DRINKS ALLOWED.
...or not so briefly, but I'm over it. Really. I did come away with a lot of very good information, and I'll get 6 hours of grad credit once I've completed the series in 2 years, so that's cool. Just all of those factors thrown together were a little hard to bear for we three homebodies who were all heartsick for our families. I know. Wimpy. But we made it.
Oh yeah...then I got home for the sequel...drum roll, please...it's a horrible stomach virus for all spanning from Friday night to Monday afternoon! Let me just say that these were fun times.
ANYWAY, after all of that rigamarole, I spent the day today reading a book between doing mommy sorts of things, and I really needed that mental escape. The book was mediocre, but did satisfy my craving for the moment (yes, I crave books like food--yummy). THEN, my super-duper most amazing selfless sister in the world (even if she's my only super-duper most amazing selfless sister in the world) called me after a full day of work and offered to help me work on my classroom!! So heck yeah, we made a BIG dent! Still no pics, but there will be...
Hmmm...this post turned out rather rantish, but I guess that's okay since I didn't have any particular direction in mind anyway...to end, here are a couple new pics of my beee-uuu-tee-ful babies...(before I left for Searcy we managed a day-trip to take Tori--Adrion, too, though he won't remember--to see a cave since she's been begging...)
Have I ever mentioned Tori's obsession with ponies??
Lookin' like a big boy
20 stories underground
Examining rocks
The bravest of us all swimming in icy cave water--and loving it! Silly girl.
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