Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009 Favorite Pics

Thank you, my God, for this life so full of love and abundance. May we live each day of 2010 not for our own selfish purposes, but for Your glory.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Possum update

Or is it opossum? I think "opossum" is actually more correct, but both versions are in the dictionary, and I pronounce it without the "u" at the beginning, so ANYWAY...

We're up to four now, well five if you count "Polly". Two now live down by the river, two now live somewhere near Vesta where my dad relocated them, and Polly lives in the house--mostly on Tori's bed. As it turns out, possums are pretty low-maintenance pets.

The trap is set and many possums could possibly be under there???

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My Tori

Well, actually she's Garon's, too, and her grandparents' and the rest of her extended family's, but ANYWAY, here's her story (briefly) starting at birth...

<1--Extremely difficult, easily set-off, rigid, mostly inconsolable infant. Extreme sensitivity of personal space. (This is still true.)

1-2 years--Normal developmental milestones met, but some "quirky". For example, didn't refer to self as "I" until 3. She always referred to herself in the third person and echoed to communicate. Many, many tantrums. We "walked on eggshells" a lot, not knowing what would set her off. I was very protective--probably because I knew her triggers and others didn't know not to treat her as they would other babies.

2 1/2-3 years--First evals done at Schmeiding. The doctor there attributed her behaviors to my over-protectiveness. Basically, it was my fault.

2 1/2-3 years--Sis-in-law got us into Kistler for further evals. "Sensory Integration Dysfunction" was the new direction. Tori began speech and OT twice a week.

3-4 years--Tori began pre-school. Speech and OT services were now given through the area's educational coop.

5 years--Divine intervention. Through a chance meeting, I found an educational examiner who lives only 5 minutes from my "in-the-boonies" home. She did an array of evals that finally gave us a diagnosis of Asperger's Syndrome. Finally, a more solid direction to guide us in seeking resources, though this is only an "educational" diagnosis.

5-7 years--K-2 in public school. Tantrums, fights, inappropriate reactivity, impulsivity, difficulty focusing, basically a hard road. Maybe actually for me more than her though, since I'm the mom watching it every day (and I work there, so I get an insiders' look, too).

7 years--YESTERDAY--Medical team all-day evals at Dennis Developmental in Little Rock. Overall results:
  • She's definitely on the autism spectrum. Asperger's isn't a perfect fit, but autism presents differently in girls, and it's the closest label. So, Asperger's it is...
  • We now have a permanent connection to Little Rock's resources including a new doc in Alma who will do yearly update appointments with us.
  • Tori will start meds soon to help with her concentration.
  • We will continue lots and lots of social stories, "coaching" her through day-to-day activities, and start focusing a lot on "Theory of Mind" to help her learn to empathize and cope socially.
So, in a super-short, brief picture, here we are. My Tori, you are my beautiful, precious, funny, inspiring, light-of-my-life. I love you so much, and no matter what the world throws your way, I'll do everything I can to help you figure it out.