Thursday, September 10, 2009

Kerns Khaos

It's seriously a thrill a minute in our household lately...some cases in point:

Two Tuesdays ago:

Totally true conversation:

Janelle: Waking, well-rested, noting the sun coming in the windows; looking at the clock; abruptly snapping out of her happy little moment; yelling "GARON, IT'S 7:15!"

Garon: Jumping up; spastically looking in circles, "What happens at 7:15?"

Janelle: "Isn't this Tuesday?"

Garon: "Tuesday? What? What's going on?"

Janelle: "It is Tuesday, isn't it?"

Garon: "I'm so confused."

Janelle: No comment. Equally confused.

Garon: "*#@#@!"

Random day about a week ago:

New tire, $160. After hours pro-med appt. for the baby with a diagnosis of "It's a virus. Treat symptomatically and come back if anything changes", $92.

Sunday, Sept. 6, 2009:

Spur-of-the-moment family fun trip into Ozark National Forest turns not-so-fun with loud, demanding daughter; fussy, tired baby; moody, angry, bug-eaten daddy; and trying-to-stay-composed mommy, who obtain 5-inch spike in new $160 tire while on dirt road on top of a mountain and have to boogie home before tire goes flat because they don't want to have to change to the spare and no tire shops are open on Sunday...

Monday, Sept. 7, 2009:

Family is very proud of a day spent cleaning, organizing, mowing, carefully placing all bags for next day by door, and then...

Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2009:

Mrs. Kerns arrives at school without any of her materials, lesson plans, or curriculum books necessary for a non-khaotic day.

Wednesday, Sept. 9, 2009:

Getting ready for work/school. Mrs. Kerns going to VB to observe a classroom. Must leave earlier than usual to get kids to BadDad for ride to school then meet teacher friend. Tori is underfoot. Baby is clinging to mommy. Mommy is stressed. Daddy is reacting to Mommy's stress in his helpfully explosive way. Everyone makes it into cars 10-or-so minutes late. Kids are dropped off. Mrs. Kerns heads out for VB. Mr. Kerns is standing in the yard doing a 2-arm wave. His truck is dead. Tone for day is set, and it doesn't improve much...

Thursday, Sept. 10, 2009:

A monsoon straight from SE Asia arrives in Arkansas just in time for family to head out the door. Despite heroic attempts with umbrella, and after fording previously unseen rivers in yard and workplaces, family members arrive at destinations ridiculously soggy and dripping.

Friday, Sept. 11, 2009:

Not there yet, but looking forward to a fresh start! As Scarlett O'Hara says, "For tomorrow is another day!"