Tuesday, July 22, 2008

29 and holding...

I don't like it. Too close to 30, and I still feel 19. Hmmm...to offset that negativity, here are 29 blessings that I thank God for every day!

My life, Garon, Tori, Adrion, Freedom, Mom, Dad, Candace, Kernses, Toblers, Smiths, Walls, Teaching, Children, County Line, a roof, a soft bed, a snuggly hubby, a sweet cuddly baby, Tori's eccentricities, God's guidance, the Holy Spirit, contact lenses, cheese, chocolate, clean running water, soft kitties, our great big new German Shepherd, and Jesus in my heart...

Okay...29 more! Exercise, sweat, the warmth of the sun, cool rains, thunderstorms, our trampoline, friendship, Vesta UMC, a healthy body, the woods behind our house, involved grandparents, Garon's scruffy face, long summer days, flip flops, dreams, goals, the Beatles, writing, summer vacation with my children, good metabolism, a beautiful lawn, free will, individuality, our amazing Earth, stargazing, fireflies, humanity, a persistent hardworking disposition, and breath in my body!

So there it is...Happy Birthday to me. :) Thank you, my God!

Here I go...

Well, thanks to inspiration from Casey and Michelle and their most excellent blogs, I decided I needed one, too. :) Our technological world is so interesting in the way it has both isolated and united us! Here I am, totally isolating myself behind a computer screen and yet still communicating with anyone who cares to reach out and be in touch! Very strange. I am always hesitant about embracing the "newest" and "best" technologies...I leave that up to Garon. But, here I am to share a small piece of our life with whoever cares to visit. I am an open book for all of the world to read! :)