Thursday, December 15, 2011

December Newsbrief

I don't feel very bloggish tonight, but I want to add some life updates.  The biggest new happening is I'm going back to school!  I start in January toward a Master's in School Leadership and Counseling from ATU.  It's a milestone that is very important to me, and I'm so thankful for my uber-supportive family for allowing me the privilege...

What else?  Housing choices are heavily on our minds lately.  (Actually, way longer than "lately", but we're getting closer and closer to acting on the thinking.)  Building seems like a stressful endeavor, but buying takes us away from the land.  I love my land.  It belonged to my great-great grandmother (Myra Green), I've grown up here, and I'm at peace here.  Peacefulness is not one of my natural dispositions, so that's saying something.  And apart from my self-centeredness, my kids have all the freedom in the world out here to run and explore and grow, and G is pretty content, too.  Hopefully by summer or fall of 2012 we'll be ready to start...

But back to now...9 days to Christmas.  The kids are very excited.  Tori wants a Kindle Fire and an etch-a-sketch, and Adrion wants a race track that goes "up and down and up and down and up and down".  I'm looking forward to family time and some moments to pause and catch up with the house, some reading, some projects, etc.

My family is so blessed throughout the holidays, and I'm thankful for all of our indulgences.  I know that our reality is far from that experienced by so many others, and I pray for humility in my heart and awareness of opportunity to serve.  Love to all.

♥Merry Christmas! ♥

* Below is a picture from the 10th, GrandDad's 80th birthday.  Note the blondness of all of his great-grands. :) *

Scarlett, Emma, GrandDad, Tori, Adrion, Jaxon

Friday, November 25, 2011

Thanksgiving 2011

Mama's chicks


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

National Boards

Well, the results were due yesterday.  NBPTS told us to expect them before noon central time.  So after about three hours of sleep Thursday night, I woke up Friday at 6 and checked the site for scores.  Not yet.  I then checked every hour on the hour until lunch duty at 11:30 with recess duty following.  When I got back to a computer at 12:30, the following message greeted me:

"It is with great regret that we write this message. We are experiencing technical difficulties and will not be releasing scores by noon as projected earlier. Specifically, while My Profile and the data therein is ready for release, we are experiencing technical difficulty with the servers on which My Profile is housed.  This matter is receiving the highest level of attention in our organization, for we know and understand fully how important this day is for candidates awaiting their certification decisions. Please trust that we are applying great pressure to our vendor for an expedient and permanent solution. We'll provide an update again around 4:00 p.m. CST."

Needless to say, results did not come.  Today, the most recent message says this:

"At this point in time we have been unable to reach a resolution to the server issue that has prevented Friday’s planned score release. Unfortunately, scores will not be released until further notice. Pearson staff, as well as NBPTS staff in both San Antonio, TX, and Arlington, VA, continues to work to resolve the problem.

While we continue to resolve this issue, you may now see access to your My Proflie account as we bring the system  back online, but please be aware that scores have not been released.
While we continue to seek resolution, we are unable to provide you with a timeline at this point. Again, we deeply regret this situation.

We will send all candidates an email  as soon as we have concrete information to share with you."


 So, I'm still waiting.  

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Every day is a new adventure with my Toripants.  And at this point (after almost 10 years of acclimation), I'm pretty much numb and unaffected by the unexpected situations she creates.  For example, a couple of weeks ago, I was called to her classroom because she had stabbed another student with her pencil.  Why?  Because he took it from her.  Many parents might have focused immediately on what measures of discipline to dish out, but my first reaction was analytical..."What were the triggers that set her off?"  Though Tori has transformed from an explosive minefield of a child to quite the refined young lady in her 10 years, I still have to remember that she is affected every day of her life by the repercussions of Asperger's...Social issues.  Communication issues.  Sensory issues....They're always there.

So, imagine my surprise when I found out that Tori was going to sing a solo on stage for Veteran's Day at school.  Tori has always liked to have everyone's attention, she is not shy about performing, and she's always been musical; so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised...but I was.  According to her music teacher, Mrs. Murphy, Tori had to audition for the part.  Mrs. Murphy kept telling me how pretty Tori's voice was and how she had perfect pitch.  Then, another teacher heard her practicing and told me how well she was singing.  I was dubious.  Really?  But she wouldn't sing for me (at all) before the performance.  I just let it go hoping that she knew her stuff...(The "letting go" is another survival skill I've learned from life with Tori.)

Sooooooo, without further ado, here she is (the first time ever singing solo before an audience) performing for our elementary, high school, and visiting community.  (The voice heard in the background is Mrs. Murphy mouthing the words next to me.)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tick Tock

10 days until National Board results......

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ponca 2011: Ziplining and Hiking

In celebration of our coming 13-year-mark on the 21st, Garon and I spent the weekend with friends at a cabin in Ponca....

13 reasons I love G...

1.  He keeps me grounded.
2.  He buys me cheez-its and squeeze cheese without me asking.
3.  He gives me scratchies.
4.  He gives me down time.
5.  He listens to my nonsense.
6.  He's super huggable.
7.  He gets curls when his hair gets long.
8.  He does laundry.
9.  He is loyal.
10.  He loves our babies.
11.  He has a strong work ethic.
12.  He is playful.
13.  He is reliable.

13 more...

14.  He's unreadable at times, but soft underneath.
15.  He's a good disciplinarian.
16.  He stands up for what he believes.
17.  He likes adventures.
18.  He speaks his mind.
19.  He is street smart.
20.  I love his deepset eyes hidden under his dark brow and long lashes.
21.  I love his crooked smile when he's slightly amused.
22.  He cherishes friendship.
23.  He adores his family.
24.  He gives the kids tackle hugs.
25.  He's helpful.
26.  He loves me back.

G and J, 13 years

Boxley Valley from last zip platform

Fred and Roiya; Travis and Bethany; Janelle and Garon at Whitaker Point

Platform to platform shot

Last platform (Boxley Valley in background)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Happy Halloween!

Before I get to the Halloween pics, I have to give a moment to our little dog, Yoshi.  Yoshi was an obnoxious, loving, loyal, sweet, dumb, supposed Cocker Spaniel who went to heaven back in September.  His favorite place to be was between my legs so that I inevitably tripped over him often.  I don't know why I love animals so much, but I do; and Yoshi was a good doggie who is missed terribly.  I love you, Yoshi, and I hope you are turtle-hunting like crazy on nightly "walkies" with Jesus!

The day we got Yoshi back in February of 2010...

And now one more recent sidebar event...Tori's recent trip to the dentist:

As of August, Tori has "appliances" in her mouth.  (Afterward, her dad looked in her mouth for a refrigerator or dish washer, and was disappointed to find none.  Haha.  Funny, G.)  Anyway, the dentist is spreading her jaw to make room for her teeth, and at this visit the bottom appliance had to be taken out and readjusted.  Well, the back right piece was STUCK, and Tori had to be gassed and threatened with loss of her iPod before she'd let the assistant back in her mouth.  Tori's Asperger's has reared its sensitive head a few times this year after a pretty mellow, dormant past year.  But wow, how she has grown.  She has matured so much with coping in uncomfortable, unknown situations...I can't believe my sweet girl is in 4th grade....

And now onto the purpose of today's post:

Today, we have been getting ready.  We carved pumpkins, cooked pumpkin seeds, and tried on costumes.  Bad guys better watch out for us this Halloween!  My Batman and Ninja Warrior are ready for action...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Boiling Point

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. ♥

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Just that.  Also miss my husband.  He is my rock, and I can't wait to get him back on Friday.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


"Wipe the dirt off my face
Hold me in your embrace
Your love always saves the day."

These lyrics were special today.  I had just wiped the dirt off Adrion's face, hugged him, and taken him to class when this song was sung in church...I was touched by the parallel between God's gift of parenting and His parenting of us; Just as I nurture my children, He cares for His.  He picks us up, dusts us off, embraces us, and gives us the strength to face our circumstances every single day.  Looking forward to the new school year starting tomorrow. ♥

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Getting ready...

 Well, summer is pretty much over for us, and I never got us into a routine.  BUT, we've been very productive and made a schedule for school.  :)  One goal I have for this school year is to maintain the household better, so I hope this will help.  It has all of the kids' responsibilities pictured in order for morning and evening.  Hopefully this chart will lower stress and help the kids be self-sufficient.  I think a schedule is helpful for anyone, but it will be especially helpful for Garon and me in management of our highly active 3-year-old and our 9-year-old with Asperger's and ADHD.  I'm proud of us and getting excited for school to start!
Ready to get put to WORK! :)

4th grade, here she comes! (Pictured with "Flashy" the dolphin)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


Our air conditioner crapped out, so we are currently checked in to the Hampton for a spur-of-the-moment mini-vaca.  The kids think it's awesome and are looking forward to some swim time in the near future.  I'm thinking we're very spoiled....the last time temps were as hot as they've been this year was in the 1930's, and there were definitely no air conditioners back then for relief.  We could have made it, but I must say I'm enjoying our 64 degree room in this big, puffy bed.  :)



Warning.  Gloomy content.

I think it's the school year fast-approaching, unfinished summer goals, drought, construction, fear of the unknown, mourning mismanaged time...just bleh.  I'm feeling very disconnected and apathetic...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"i" technology

So Tori is addicted to her ipod and Adrion is addicted to my iphone, so I took them away today.  I think Adrion has asked me for my phone no fewer than 100 times so far.  It's been a painful day.  My goal now is to create a schedule for us for the rest of summer to include chore time, craft time, reading time, swim time, quiet time, etc.  Then, when the school year starts in a short few weeks, we can carry some of those habits over.  It sounds good in theory.  As I've blogged before, my time management/planning/follow through sucks is less than ideal, so I'm not super excited about this; however, my children need a schedule and I need sanity, so I'm going to try to be good.  Lord, help me!!

Friday, July 8, 2011


Nothing very noteworthy to blog about...yesterday Tori got spacers in her back teeth to prepare for appliances to spread her jaw.  Those get put in next Thursday.  Got my hair done today.  Date night tonight with G.  He's finding a Netflix as I type.  Tomorrow going to visit friends (Kupers, Ameruds) and Sunday going to visit Spiro.  These are the empty days of my summer, and I'm trying my best to soak them up!

Books I've read so far this summer...

The Passage, Justin Cronin  (vampires...didn't know til after I bought it)
The Help, Kathryn Stockett  (desegregation)
Bossypants, Tina Fey  (biography...a little raunchy)
The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold  (murder, afterlife)

My book in progress...

Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

PCB Pics

Shell Island, Wild Dolphins
Up to something...
Daddy's girl
Maya loves Tori
Whoo hoo!!
What's up?
Pretty little lady
Bad Dad's grands


Just re-read last post...forgot about sand crab hunts at night.  Tori has a spider phobia lately, and those little crabbies are very spidery.  She was freaking out!  I piggybacked her, and from on my back she was cracking up.  Funny girl.  And Adrion?  Fearless.

So on to pretty!  The weather was a breezy 70-80 degrees--way different from the humid 100 we've had in Arkansas.  And no bugs!  Darline made this observation.  There are outdoor eateries everywhere, but no flies/mosquitoes/gnats/chiggers to be found.  People's windows were wide open with no screens.  The streets were also very green and flowery.  Trees, bushes, and flowers were planted in nooks and crannies all over the place.  The people were very friendly as well.

From the airport to the hotel, we rode in a "shuttle".  I had directions to get there using public transit, but after all day traveling, we weren't gung ho to figure out how all of that worked.  So, we got into a "hotel shuttle" with a "gypsy".  (We learned these labels later on from a cab driver.)  The gypsy took us through the underground four-lane highway into Boston (a construction project referred to as "The Big Dig"), and then proceeded through a series of abandoned alleyways to our hotel.  He fought with someone on the phone in Farsi the whole way.  But alas, we arrived safely and checked in.  Each of us was on a different floor.  Nancy on the 22nd, me on the 25th, and Darline on the 31st.

Shuttle under Boston

From the 25th floor
Rooftop gardens/patios

Fireworks over skyline

Eight teachers from our school attended the ASCD conference.  The conference covered new technologies, classroom differentiation, and curriculum mapping.  Five teachers from high school and three of us from elementary attended.  The best session that I attended addressed technology and globalization.  I won't elaborate, but the fact of technology's contribution to our students' global existence is fascinating to me.  This speaker said that most teachers are preparing students for the 70's and 80's with their curricula.  She also asked who had newborns in their families which she followed with, "Congratulations.  Your baby will be in the class of 2031."  We're in a brave, new world.  (I don't actually know how brave I feel toward it.)

Darline and I at Copley Square

Nancy and I in the subway

Old Ironsides

Boston Harbor  (Jellyfish everywhere!)

Make Way for Ducklings

Boston Common

Prudential Tower "Top of the Hub"

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Just want to document some of this summer's adventures before I forget.  I'm thinking I might start using this blog as a journal and post something daily to keep up.  Time flies when you're having fun (or feeling stress, or being over-committed).  I recently heard of time being referred to as the great equalizer.  Every single person has exactly the same amount of it.  Mine is mostly mismanaged, and I wonder at my lacking sense of urgency.  I'm an avoider and a procrastinator.  I like to check out of schedules and waller in non-productivity.  This piece of me is becoming more dominant as I get older, and I recognize the frustration it adds to my life (mostly in my relationships); however, I don't care.  I'm seriously completely apathetic toward the subject.  I don't want to be relied on.  I want to be a free entity.  I love my family deeply, and to them I try to stay present; but otherwise, eh. (Insert shoulder shrug.)

Anyway, I way digressed.  On to the adventures (that I fantasize about and plan in the midst of my wallerings with apathy)...

June 3-11:  Panama City Beach, FL

Absolutely beautiful.  I love, love, love this area.  I love it.  The water is teal, the sand is white, the vibe is relaxed, the shopping is great, the food is delicious, nightlife is abundant, clothing is mostly optional...It's just the ultimate place to be free.  We went with my parents and the Chronisters (family of 6 with #7 on the way).  We all split a beach house which made the trip very affordable.  Here are the highlights that I don't want to forget:
  • June 3rd--left after school was out.  Drove all night.  GPS was a little glitchy (for example, at one point it led us into an alley with no outlet).  Arrived at 8 am earlier than expected.  House was ready.  Yay!
  • (No more dates.  Can't remember now.) Gulf World--Dolphins, sea lions, sea turtles, sharks, penguins, tropical birds (one talked to us), alligators, snakes, magic show.  Tori and Grammy swam with "Maya" the dolphin at the "Dolphin Encounter".  They shook her fins, swam with her, and got hugs and kisses from her.  This was amazing.  My Tori is very into whales/dolphins right now, so we did this to nurture the little marine biologist in her.
  • Orca puzzle--Kacey, Mom, and I (and the girls somewhat) put together a 1500 piece puzzle that I kept to frame for Tori's future bathroom.  So fun.  I love puzzles.
  • The beach.  I've started craving it.  I really think that no matter where else we take our kids on vacations during the summers from this point forward, we must also seek out the beach.  
  • Pier Park--We ate at Margaritaville here, shopped, rode rides in the carnival part (carousel, airplane, ferris wheel), ate at Reggae J's, got the kids a light up sword and dolphin necklace.  I'd like to mention here that my childhood fears are resurfacing.  I'm becoming water-phobic and ride-phobic like when I was little.  The ferris wheel about did me in.
  • Date Night--Mom and Dad kept the kids for us one night, and we went on a date.  We ate at Hammerhead Fred's, listened to terrible live music (it was really bad), walked around Pier Park (G didn't go the first time b/c he was having dinner with friends), then walked out onto the pier.  The pier was very cool.  It was 9ish when we went out, so it was dark.  Night fishermen and their kids were camped out.  Kids were sleeping with pillows and blankets.  One guy caught a small shark that he and his sons were trying to figure out how to get off the hook.  Garon and I determined that if he or I jumped/fell off the pier, we'd drown before making it to shore.  It's a LONG way out there, and the ocean is hard to swim in.  I had no doubt that I'd drown, but I was surprised that Garon thought he would, too.  He's a strong swimmer, so that made me appreciate the distance and power of the ocean even more.
  • Shelling--The best shelling was when Mom and I went out alone.  There aren't really any big shells at PCB (I don't know about morning time...that's my sleeping time as I am FAR from a graceful riser) , but lots of neat stuff...shark teeth, sand dollar pieces,  hermit crabs...Mom found a piece of drift wood that had a crab living in it.  She wanted the wood, so the poor crab got evicted.
  • Boating--Dad arranged a boat trip out to "Shell Island" where we could swim with wild dolphins, snorkel, and look for bigger seashells.  There were dolphins everywhere.  The water out there was  clear and absolutely beautiful.  G dove in one spot to get a live sand dollar.  We let it go.
  • Parasailing--Dad, Garon, and Tori did this.  All I saw was a picture, but they had a blast.
  • St. Andrew's State Park--We mistakenly ended up here one day thinking it would lead to a Shell Island excursion (it did, actually, but this version was a boat over, abandonment, no facilities, and no shade...not ideal for the family trip), but we stopped at a trail around "Alligator Lake" so that Garon could plant a geobug.  We did not find the geocache on the trail, but we did find a live gator.  It was sitting right next to the edge of the water just looking at us.  I don't know if it was tame, waiting for us to feed it, or waiting for us to get close enough so it could eat US, but we didn't stay long.  The park was really pretty, though...shrubby trees, palm leaves/trees everywhere, lizards, tiny little frogs, sand dunes...I would have enjoyed a day of hiking there.  Maybe sometime with just G.
  • Lots of giggling, playing in the gameroom, swimming at the beach, cooking, eating, lounging, relaxing...we did the trip home in two days.  We didn't make a reservation, and we went through 3 hotels before we found one with a vacancy. 
  • Awesome trip.  Wish I could fold the US like a map to enjoy more of it more frequently.  I am so thankful for the extravagance of travel time.  It feeds my soul.
And, I am tired now.  I am sitting in my hotel room in Boston, and my goal was to write about THIS trip before I forget the little things, but I am tired.  So, in posts to come...the Davises, Boston, American Idol, and PICTURES!

Night night.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Spring Update

National Boards Portfolio Postage
Garon's 34th

Birthday dinner at Weiderkehr's in Altus
Weiderkehr's Take 2

Easter 2011
Tori's 9th at Noodles in Fayetteville

Birthday trip to the Oklahoma Aquarium in Jenks

Washing BadDad's car for the car show in Charleston to raise $ for CF