Sunday, November 14, 2010

This I Believe...

Every person on this planet is God's child with God's beauty planted inside, sometimes dormant, sometimes in bloom.  Our journeys back to Him are individual.  We all fall short of His glory, and only by His grace are we worthy in His sight.  So in these truths lies God's demand that we love one another, tolerate one another, forgive one another.  We, who are unworthy of forgiveness ourselves, only condemn our hearts to darkness when we carry judgment for others.

Likewise, our understandings and perceptions of life are absolutely subjective.  We cannot see what another sees, hear what another hears, feel what another feels.  Two people living through the same event in what could be considered the exact same circumstances will be shaped differently.  The traumatic and hurtful pieces of our lives are equally human.  They are all dark.  None are of God.  All are of fallen man.  But that's where God's grace will redeem.  When those dark pieces are given to our merciful, compassionate Father, He takes what was ugly and gives it back as something beautiful...those redeemed pieces become our understanding of God's love.  They become our testimonies that let us be the Body...His arms reaching, feet going, voices telling.

This I Believe.