Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tori Pants

My Tori Pants is my precious gift from God. How incomprehensible is it that where once there was a void, now there is Tori. (I haven't forgotten the same miracle who is her little brother...I'm just marvelling at my oldest for the moment.) The light God has given her is blinding in its intensity, and I am humbled to be her mother.

My sweet Tori Pants, I love you, and I will be your warrior, your protector, your shelter for as long as you'll let me. You are amazing.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Don't Blink

Adrion turned 7 months old on the 9th. That same day he got his first tooth...and now one week later he's army crawling. My little man is growing like a weed!! He really looks JUST like Tori, too. Same-age pics of the two of them are uncannily similar. I'm so in love with my kiddos! (Not to mention their baby daddy...) Thank you, God, for my family.




See Adrion below!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Preview of Halloween 2008

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Mr. Core

I lost a good friend today. Mr. Core passed away early this morning, evidently from a blood clot resulting from his recent foot surgery. Mr. Core was the music teacher at County Line, and he was wonderful. He is absolutely irreplaceable, and he will be sorely missed.

I think what meant the most to me about Mr. Core was his love for Tori. He accepted her and loved her for her quirkinesses. He loved every student that way. It's so hard to understand God's timing, and I don't presume to try, but this world is a lonelier place without Mr. Core in it--especially at County Line Schools.

Thank you, Mr. Core, for your example of love and excellence. Thank you for your Christian values and your vivacious spirit. You were an amazing human being, and I'm so sad that you're gone. Thank you for the life you lived.