Saturday, September 8, 2012

September 2012

So busy I'm numb...

18 hours done, 36 to go to finish my master's degree.  Working on that plus starting my new combo position at County Line: counseling + title 1 reading.  I'm prayerful, humble, and doing all I can to fulfill the responsibilities of my job descriptions.  I'm also anticipating my results from National Boards again in November. Please, God, let me be finished with that.  I'm also doing my best being a mom, wife, sister, daughter, and friend.  I think I'm probably just skimming the surface in all areas, but I'm just keeping on moving.  If I stop, I get paralyzed thinking about it all.

Right now I am procrastinating.  I have assignments to do for my classes, and I'm avoiding them.  Gotta just do it.  Tori and Adrion are with Nonna and Pops tonight.  The house is very quiet...