Thursday night Garon had to work late, so I had to carry out the "night night" routine solo...(Our usual is for me to do baby maintenance while G takes care of Tori. ) So I had Tori taken care of and all tucked in when my mom came by to check on us (at Garon's request since I had no phones on).
Well, Tori heard Grammy and me talking, so out she came. She then decided that she wanted to sleep in a boat tent instead of her bed (AKA sofa with cushions turned upward and a sheet on top). Seeing as how it was a school night and she more than likely wouldn't get her optimal amount of sleep in the "boat", I said no. And then began the negotiations...
"Okay, Mom. You have two choices. I can sleep on the futon or in the boat tent." She tries these sorts of negotiations pretty often, mimicking my super-effective discipline strategies...
So I reply, "No, Tori. I am the adult. You are sleeping in your bed."
So Tori changes to her next tactic. (Insert fake tears.) "But Mom, I'm scared."
Me-"What are you scared of?"
Tori-"I'm having nightmares."
Me-"What are you dreaming about?"
Tori- "A ghost."
Tori is obviously not a master tale-teller, so at this point I'm becoming amused... Tori is amusing herself somewhat, too, as she fights a smile and buries her head under her arm.
Me- "What did the ghost do?"
Now she can't hold in the giggles...She peeks up and says as pathetically as she can without laughing, "He said 'Boo'."
My silly Tori. After that we compromised, and she got to sleep in the living room in her sleeping bag. What a girl.